School Prayers
Welcome to the prayer life page
We believe that Prayer brings us closer to God and to one another.
We pray for ourselves and the needs of others around the world. We pray daily in class and as a community. These are the prayers that are prayed with the children, please take time at home to pray them together.
Sign of the Cross
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Morning Offering
O my God I give to you,
All that I think, or say, or do.
All my work and all my happy play,
I will give to you today.
Grace before meals
Bless us Oh Lord as we sit together.
Bless this food we eat today.
Bless the hands that made the food.
Bless us Oh Lord.
Grace after meals
Thank you God for the food we have eaten. Thank you God for all our friends. Thank you God for Everything. Thank you God.
End of the day prayer
God Our Father, we come to say thank you for your love today. Thank you for my family and all the friends you give to me. Guard me in the dark of night. And in the morning send your light.
The Wednesday Word
The Wednesday Word is a leaflet that is shared with our families each week.
We want to share the Good News of the gospel with all our families, so we hope that you will be able to spend some time as a family reflecting on the Gospel story and completing the activities and ideas which are on the leaflet.
Traditionally, Wednesdays were a time when families “took time out” and shared time together within the busy working week.
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