Statements To Live By
Our Mission statement: "To explore, challenge and respect; sharing Christ's love through all that we do"
Each week, at St Vincent's, we have a different statement to live by which helps us live our life as Jesus taught us to. We discuss these in class and have a Liturgy based around these each week.
Please ask your child about what they have learned about.
• We are all special.
• I can say one good thing about myself.
• I can say how I feel.
• I can laugh and have fun.
• I know what to do if I see anyone being hurt.
• I understand that rights match responsibility.
• I try to stand up for myself and others without hurting others
• I try to be just and fair.
• I can tell you how I look after myself.
• I think before I make choices that affect my health.
• I can work, play, rest and pray each day.
• Simple things can make us happy.
• I try to love others as I love myself.
• I try to follow our school and classroom rules.
• I know I belong in a community that includes my school.
• I know we are happiest when we are united.
• I listen to what you say.
• I show that I am listening to you.
• I co-operate with others in work and play.
• I try to use words that make the world a better place. (Please, sorry, thank you)
• I try to appreciate the beauty and the wonder in the world around me.
• I know that it is ok for me to make mistakes.
• I can learn from my mistakes and failures.
• I try to keep going when things are difficult and not give up hope.
• I know what humility means.
• I know when to ask for help and who to ask for help from.
• I can recognise comfortable and uncomfortable feelings.
• I know how to help others when they are in trouble.
• I understand what trust means
• I try to forgive people when they hurt me.
• I try to accept forgiveness from others.
• I know how to show I am sorry.
• I understand the importance of peace.
• I know what human dignity means and I show that I respect others.
• I stand up for people who are being treated unfairly.
• I notice that we are the same and we are different.
• I try to be accepting of others.
The ‘Statements to Live By’ resource was written by a group of Catholic Head Teachers from the north eastern dioceses in England. The resource is specifically aimed at Catholic primary schools.
The statements make the Catholic values of the school explicit, promote a positive and caring Christian ethos that is understood and communicated to everyone, as well as developing emotional literacy and contributing towards the common good. They ensure that children and young people are given opportunities to:
- Hear the Christian story and encounter the person of Jesus
- Understand their uniqueness as made in the image and likeness of God
- Experience a sense of belonging within a range of communities, including the local Eucharistic community
- Know, appreciate and understand the importance of social justice
- Know that our limitations are also opportunities for growth
- Understand the connection between knowledge and living
- Know that everything has the opportunity to reveal God’s presence to us, i.e. to see the divine in the ordinary
- Forgive and be forgiven, to reconcile and be reconciled
- Experience fun, humour, imagination, creativity, play and excitement in life